How to Say Please in Russian

How to Say Please in Russian

How to say please in Russian is probably used twice as often as its English equivalent. Why? This is because in Russian “pozhaluista” - пожалуйста (pa-ZHAL-sta) expresses both polite request and gratitude. It is also used when you hand something over to someone. Knowing how to say please in Russian is very important because it is a word used very often for both of these purposes. It is also a way to show not only that you know Russian, but also that you care about being polite. When you know how to say please in Russian you will find that everyday interaction with shopkeepers, cashiers, your boss, and even friends and family will be a more pleasant experience. Notions of politeness differ from English grammatically-speaking in Russian, but how to say please in Russian is something without too much difference. This is a word that will take you very far, so don’t be shy in using it even though it can sort of be a Feel free to use this word for “please”, “here you are” and “you’re welcome”!