How do you say Russia in Russian?

How do you say Russia in Russian?

Some Russian words are not easy to pronounce, but make sure that you pronounce the name of the country Russia correctly when you speak Russian. Russia is “Rossiya” - Россия (ross-SEE-ya) in Russian. How else can you say Russia in Russian? Well, if you want to use the formal, official name of the country, you can say Russian Federation, which in Russian is “Rossiyskaya Federatsiya” - Российская Федерация (ross-SEE-sky-a feder-AT-see-ya) Another way to say Russia in Russian, but this option is usually used in written text or for Cyrillic-letter web domains. Here you will use RF - РФ (air-F). Yet another way to say Russia in Russian is based on English and is popular among young people and those looking to make fun of the Westernization of modern Russia. You can say “Rasha” - Раша (raw-shaw), but make sure people know you understand this is a joke. Knowing how to say Russia in Russian will help you immensely in talking about the country, understanding people talking about it, and, of course, making sure you book the right tickets should you come for a visit!