Popular Russian Words

Popular Russian Words

At the end of every year different countries hold the Word of the Year contest. Russia is no exception! According to the results of the contest, the most popular Russian words in 2011 are curiously the ones that have been borrowed from English: “polizia” (police), “wikileaks”, “twitter”, “facebook”, “laikat’” (from the English verb “to like”), “gadzhet” (gadget). The Russian National Corpus conducted their own research about popular Russian words, with the top two words being “nado” and “nuzhno”, both meaning “it’s necessary/needed”. After analysing the results, they later released “The New Frequency Dictionary of the Russian language”. According to the RNC, other popular Russian words are “god” (year), “chelovyek” (man, person), “vryemya” (time), “dyelo” (business, deal), “zheezn’” (life), “dyen’" (day), “rooka” (hand), “rabota” (work), “slovo” (word) and “myesto” (place). With RT Russian you can learn the most popular Russian words, practice them in different exercises, and successfully apply them in your daily conversations.