Russia Day

On June 12 we celebrate our national holiday—День России (DYEN ra-SEE-ee), Russia Day. Starting in 1992 it was officially known as the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation. The Declaration itself was adopted two years earlier on June 12, 1990. Later, in 2002, Russia Day got its current name and is now considered to be a holiday of liberty and civic peace. It is also known as Russia’s Independence Day, День независимости России (DYEN ni-za-VEE-si-mas-ti ra-SEE-ee), because in its original official name there is the word “sovereignty”. 

Russia Day is an important national holiday for our compatriots. On this non-working day many Russians traditionally go to the countryside, have picnics with family and friends, and relax at their dachas. In towns and cities you can also see a lot of people. Russia Day is celebrated with concerts, festive events (marches, demonstrations), and other social activities. In Red Square in Moscow famous Russian singers give a performance, and in the evening people look at traditional festive fireworks.