Useful Russian Words

Useful Russian Words

Whatever the situation, one can always use basic phrases to get around. This is especially true if you find yourself in a Russian-speaking country but your Russian is not that fluent. RT Russian offers you a list of useful Russian words that can come handy in a variety of circumstances. First things first. Start with greetings by saying “zdravstvuite” or, more informal, “privyet”. When you leave, you can either say “do svidaniya” or the less formal “poka”. Using such useful Russian words as “spasibo” (thank you), “pozhaluista” (please/you’re welcome) or “izvinite” (excuse me) will help you present yourself as a polite person. It also helps to know how to say “yes” and “no” in Russian - “da” and “nyet”, respectively. Some other useful Russian words include: “mozhno” (may I), “nelzya” (you can’t/you may not), “horosho” (good, ok, well), “plokho” (bad), “pomogite” (help), “politsiya” (police). In our online course you will find many more useful Russian words for different situations you may encounter in Russia or any other Russian-speaking country. Knowing useful Russian words will add confidence and make you feel more at ease, even if you don’t speak much Russian yet!